Title of Today's Lesson: Stop Motion Animation - Pixilation My Aims and Objectives for Today are:
How to Stretch and Challenge Myself
For Today's Lesson this will mean:
What to do in iStopMotion
The process behind making the animation
Skills learned to iStopMotion
I feel like i did a good job.
It was enjoyable
Our Own Animation
Reflection during lesson How am I doing so far: I feel confident with this topic. Reflection at end of lesson: I learned all about this topic as i have never heard of it before. This is probably the best animation lesson so far. What have I achieved? We (Jack & Me) have actually created our own Pixilation animation.
This is a picture of half a head and we cut two lines to the edge of the mouth and cut across so we can make it look like it was talking. We also cut out a random woman and cut off her legs so we can make it look like it was walking.
Terry Gilliam was a animator who used a style called cut out animation, He used pictures that he found in newspapers and used them in his animation. He animated some episodes of Monty Python.
Cut out animation is made by using pictures of any object or person and make it look like it is moving seamlessly, It is easy to do also. You could take pictures out of a newspapers and taking pictures every time you move it slightly.
Model Based Animation
Model Based animation is done by creating a model of anything you want out of clay. Then you need to make it move like a real thing. This is done by taking pictures of the model after you move it a tiny bit. Model based animation is possibly the most tedious animation there is as if you move the model too much then it will look like it jumps.
Morph is one of the most beloved characters in animation. and is an example of Model Based Animation
Wallace and Gromit is also another well loved series that is Model Based Animation
Family Guy
Is a animated cartoon that is aimed at Adults. Family Guy aired as a pilot in 1998 and has been cancelled 3 times because the Creators kept on pushing the boundaries with the jokes they included so Fox cancelled but because the public enjoyed the show so much they forced Fox's hand into renewing the show, the show has made references to the cancellation and has even made jokes about Fox.
One of the main animators from the time was Walt Disney.
One of the biggest films from Disney was Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. Walt Disney started by making short films however legend has it that he invited the entirety of his animation team to an abandoned theatre on a lunch break and he told them the idea of this full length film (Snow White) and acted out the full length film to the team. Walt Disney used an animation called Cel animation. This is where they draw every frame for every second. this consisted of 25 HAND DRAWN pictures for every second. The animators told Disney if they wanted to do a film of this size it would take them 4 years to complete.
Fleischer Bros
The Fleischer brothers were around at the same time as Walt Disney and many people say the brothers' cartoons' were better than Disney's. However the film above.
'Mr Bugs Goes To Town'
flopped in the cinema people believe that it was due to the reason that the main character was an insect and people could not connect to the insect and they couldn't make 'them cute'. The Fleischer brothers are also responsible for creating cartoons like Betty Boop and Popeye.
Norman McLaren
In the film above called.
The people move around almost seamlessly almost like they are sliding and at time flying.
It was done by taking pictures when the actors move slightly.
Norman McLaren was one of the innovators of the time. He used a certain style of animation called Pixilation.
Pixilation is a stop motion animation technique where live action actors are photographed in one position and then they move slightly and then a picture is taken again so it looks like they are almost gliding around the scenery.
Persistance of vision is the idea that when our brain cannot process the animation and fills in the blank. This is important in animation as it allows the producer to make less frames and save time.
A Zoetrope is one of the most commonly known forms of old animation where usually 12 images were placed in a circular drum like object and since the images are so close together that the persistence of vision effect happens and our brain creates a short clip based off of the images. This could be considered the worlds first GIF.
The Phenakistoscope used a spinning disc attached to a handle . Around the disc's centre was a series of drawings showing the phases of the animation. The user would spin the disc and look through the slits on the side.
George Méliès
Georges Méliès was a famous french illusionist and film maker he is one of the leading people in technical techniques in his time. He is one of the first people to ever use Special Effects in his films. In the film below , A Trip To The Moon, you can see Georges' face in the moon. In one of his other films , Indian Rubber Head, He is able to put his own head on the table, then inflate and deflate it.
Winsor Mccay Winsor Mccay was an american cartoonist and animator, his animations consisted of 25 HAND drawn images per second of animation, At the time nothing like his work had ever been seen before. In the cartoon below , Gertie The Dinosaur, This cartoon consists of Winsor's hand drawn images only.
Lotte Reiniger
Charlotte 'Lotte' Reiniger was a German Director and was one of the leading people in paper silhouette. She was the inventor of cut-out animation. Cut out animation is where you make a silhouette out of paper or cardboard and make is look like it is moving by itself.
Walt Disney
Walt Disney is possibly the most well known person in animation. His company produced some of the earliest examples of cel based animation. One of his best pieces of work was Steamboat willie. The artist believed to have drawn steamboat willie is a cartoonist by the name of UB Iwerks. One of the most interesting things about this animation was the sounds. Animations before were well recieved by the public but they weren't liked by everyone. Walt Disney thought that the one thing that would make the animation better would be to include a soundtrack. This seemed to work as Steamboat Willie was critically acclaimed.